Friday, May 29, 2009

Green Promise Seen in Switch to LED Lighting

Green Promise Seen in Switch to LED Lighting from the NY Times.
Good article, but it did not mention the LED equivalent of Moore's Law, haitz law. Each decade, LED prices have fallen by a factor of 10 while performance has grown by a factor of 20. It sounds like LED prices are falling even quicker than this, doubling about every 18 months instead of 24 months.

My translation the $35 bulb this year in 18 months will be $18, and in 3 years $9. At $9 it becomes much more attractive.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oil Price Forcast

Oil prices could shoot beyond 2008 peak by 2012: Saudi Arabia - Interesting. So many arguments for and against it. I am surprised that oil has kept as high as it has, which is actually good for alternative energy since those that could survive at $50 a barrel oil have continued. A crash to $20 would have devastated the industry.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mandatory use of solar heating system in India

Mandatory use of solar heating system in India.

Exciting news! From reading the article I would guess this is Solar Water Heating, but it's referring to solar PV.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ethanol and Corn Prices

Kristof: Hidden Hunger - NY Times.
The general rise in food prices (in part because of American use of corn for ethanol) is leading to more micronutrient deficiencies.

I am not sure of this, increases in corn prices mean more corn will be planted that makes for an oversupply of corn, plus the decrease in gas has led to big financial challenges for ethanol firms.

Good article to read for the other 99% of it. Sad article.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Future Proofed Prius?

It seems since the Prius has a larger electric motor in the new version, it may be easily converted to a plug in if battery technology can be improved... Which translates as switch out the battery charger and batteries, software update, and I would guess you are set!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prius with Solar

I view this as Toyota just adding extra junk to the Prius that is more luxury, than necessary or really adding value.

Kyocera To Supply Solar Modules for Toyota Prius
Reuters - ‎May 20, 2009‎

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We've Seen the Bottom in Solar?

We've Seen the Bottom in Solar - Motley Fool

Assuming the Economy keeps on improving, credit markets unfreeze, and technology keeps improving...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Auto Emission Changes

Auto emissions deal: behind the scenes - LA Times.

Interesting the politics behind the deal. On the added cost, may be. But if it's added to all cars that may decrease the cost due to increase the efficiency. The more you make, the less the cost. That has been the problem with the SUV hybrids, they have not got the economy of scale. There is also a lot of new technology that looks like it will make this easier than it would first seem.

What I find exciting is the impact on fuel efficiency this will have, I realize this is a byproduct of the focus on green house gases...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

25% growth in Autos in China

Interesting what impact this will have on the environment and how quickly as China's auto industry domestically will continue to grow.
As Detroit Crumbles, China Emerges - Washington Post

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Burning Trash - Good or Bad?

POWER SHIFT - WSJ seems to indicated that Burning Trash is being seen as a way to reduce landfills, green house gas, and produce some power.

Of course reusing would be the best way. The headache is the labor cost of sorting garbage as a way to reduce the amount sent to the dump. Burning does reduce the size, but may produce ash and smoke that then needs to be disposed of safely.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Camarillo-area greenhouses produce 21st century crops

Camarillo-area greenhouses produce 21st century crops - LA Times.

  • X20 Tomatoes per acre
  • $1 Million capital cost per acre
  • Uses 20% of water of convention farm.
  • Uses 50% of fertilizer
I am curious if there is also a labor savings?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Carter Influence

Former President Jimmy Carter was before congress today. When he was President, he had some great ideas on energy, his 10 Principles on Energy were brilliant .

Unfortunately, he had no idea how to work with Congress and was ineffective as a President. And then along came the hostage crises. On the Solar Water heater, great idea, but it did not work very well. He was doing excellent work in the non-profit area as a post President, then wrote a book that touched one of those third rails in politics - Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa. If you see a picture of former President's together, look at how close they are standing to Mr. Carter (it's as if he has cooties).

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dark Times for Solar

Dark Times for Solar - WSJ

Solar megawatts installed this year will be less than last, but prices have dropped 50%. Translation - there will be a lot of consolidation as weaker firms fail. My opinion is a good foundation for the future as cost cutting becomes more important as a competitive advantage.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

VC Investments in Green Companies

Shifting Their Energies - NY Times.
There is a lot of green investment that is not capitol intensive - nice to have this area covered. The control systems, software, etc. are all opportunities that the article hints at for investment.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Prius - 2010 Model Next Month?

I am curious what will be in the 2010 Prius Model. Supposedly it will be out the end of next month. Lithium batteries may be (sounds like later)? Plug in from what I have read will be limited, not as suggested here.

This is worrying - Toyota's January-March Global Loss Beats GM - Motor Trend

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Solar Growth only 40% in 2009?

Last year it was 60% growth, this year estimated is 40%. Still a huge amount of growth in my opinion, but it has a long ways to go. Global solar capacity forecast to add 5.5 GW in 09 - Reuters.

Why is this a little, because it's still less than 1% of all electricity generated. 21 Trillion Kilowatt Hours. Depressing reading - EIA - International Energy Outlook 2008-Electricity

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

China's Solar Subsidary

China Combats Solar Downturn With Subsidy - Environemental Leader.

Same thing the US is doing, China is also working to build their own solar industry...

I don't understand the worry about this - nothing new!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Skyline Solar mixes old technology with new

Skyline Solar mixes old technology with new - SF Gate.

Smart, they are looking at ways around the Silicon to increase efficiency and decrease costs. The Silicon is only part of the cost of a solar install. I wonder if they are also looking into methods for cooling the silicon. I like the idea of combining solar water along with solar cells.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Walnut Valley Water District - Aargh!

Huge water shortages in So. CA. So what does do? Replace the rebate system with one that has a limited amount of rebates per month, so only May 3rd and they have already been issued for the entire month.

So CA Water Smart nice page on this.

And in the requirements, you are supposed to only buy the item after you got a rebate number.


Oh, the real reason for this I am sure is funding...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Solar Powered Donuts?

3 Dunkin' shops get solar power - Boston Globe. My guess is solar arrays and batteries for at night. Article does not state how much of the power actually comes from solar..