Friday, October 17, 2008

Solar Needed in Pakistan

Solar energy only way to meet energy needs: expert - Daily Times, Pakistan

Interesting point in the article that Pakistan has lots of Government officials that are supposed to help solar, but no solar installed. The reason is corruption and red tape.

As prices fall for Solar, I believe it will be a good solution for places that don't have a grid already in place. Electricity Grids are not cheap. I wish the article had talked more of the economics of solar, but my SWAG is it does not make sense yet in Pakistan based on the economics. Solar Water Heaters now do, since they can be built with local materials. LED Lamps also make sense, and could have a good economic impact spreading education into areas that don't have power. A problem is the government from what I can tell overall, is not focused on improving the economy, which is unfortunate.

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