Tuesday, November 25, 2008

LA Solar Plan

Villaraigosa unveils solar plan for city of L.A. from the LA Times.

DWP, who provides power to LA does it super cheap currently with it's own power plants, including some coal burning ones. DWP escaped the deregulation fiasco that drove up so many other costs, since it was allowed to keep it's own power plants. It will be interesting to see the financial analysis of this. Personally, I would push Solar Water Heating since it's more cost effective, but, not as glamerous. Survivability of tax breaks in this time of severe economic pain. I hope they are kept, since the more energy the US produces for itself the better.

What would be nice is to make a list of energy projects for the City of LA, and see which ones get the most bang for the buck. Solar Photovoltaic, Green Buildings, effective public transit (don't get me started on the MTA), solar water heating, or ?

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