Saturday, December 13, 2008

Impact of Under $2 Gas

Some Guesses:

  1. Less demand for hybrids as long as price is low.
  2. If price is low enough for enough time, increased demand for SUV's
  3. Increase in speed driven
  4. Increase in miles driven
  5. Reduction in alternate energy funding from private sources.
  6. Decrease in expenses for consumers.
  7. Political issues in countries that are not the friendliest to the US (USSR, Iran, etc).
  8. Possible impact on Iraq that may impact the US.
  9. Decrease in demand to drill offshore in the US.
  10. Decrease in drilling for new oil in the US
  11. Older fields may no longer be economical
  12. Decrease in looking for new fields
  13. Decrease in oil sands since no longer economical (break even I believe is $50, oil is around $40 right now).
  14. Increased demand for oil.
  15. Lowering of supply by Opec to increase price.

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