Sunday, July 6, 2008

China's Oil Thirst is actually good?

How China’s thirst for oil can save the planet - The pioneers of green energy report a ‘gold rush’ mentality as soaring oil prices speed up the search for alternatives. From the UK Times.

Good article to read. Keypoint is lots of R&D into different types of energy. The focus in the UK is wind, not solar. Probably makes sense as wind is more economical at this time, especially in a less sunny area. The idea with solar is with a big enough production it will lower in price enough to be economical. And with solar subsidies this will help create a local industry.

The only question with solar is when will it become more cost effective. There is so much research going on right now a silver bullet may appear that dramatically lowers the cost for alternative energy. The challenge then is how long will it take to go into production? GE's windpower for example is already booked for the next two years.

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