Sunday, November 30, 2008

Vatican Goes Solar

Vatican unveils ambitious solar energy plans from Reuters. The goal is by 2020 to have solar be 20% of it's solar needs. Nice symbolism, and since the system was donated it is not taking away money from other social activities. I would suggest having the Catholic Church overall use more solar, but from a financial viewpoint at this time it's probably not the best use of their resources. Especially since for example so many US diocese are cash strapped due to law suites and there may be better short term uses for the money (such as the amazing Catholic Schools).

Saturday, November 29, 2008

New California Land Use Law

New land-use law's message: build near transit from the SF Chronicle.

I have read about this law in passing and I don't understand how it's going to change how new housing is built further and further out, since there is a lack of urban build up. Most people in CA is still in love with the detached single family dwelling if they can afford it, no matter the commute.

Friday, November 28, 2008

55 Mile Hour Speed Limit - Why not again?

55 Mile Hour Speed Limit - why not again? Because of Sammy Hagar's I can't drive 55?

It was implemented in 1974, modified in 1987 to allow 65 on longer stretches, and finally repealed in 1995. It reduced fuel usage by about .5 to 2.2% for the entire US. Today it may be more since the weight of cars has gone up, per this site Drive 55 Conservation Project 3%.

My opinion is nobody has the courage or sees the need at a National Level for the 55 MPH Speed Limit. Senator Warner brought it up, but he was retiring giving him the freedom to speak out.


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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Solar in LA

Solar plan risks scorching LA's political future from the LA Times, bringing up the politics of this announcement. Before reading this I had some suspicion it was to make the mayor look better, but I had no idea whom was behind it. Fascinating! Estimated cost increase in a electricity bill is 2 to 8%.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dot Earth: The (Tuna) Tragedy of the Commons

Dot Earth: The (Tuna) Tragedy of the Commons - translation - EU Politics won't allow a reduction since everyone is cheating on the quotas, till the stock finally collapses. Short sighted.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

LA Solar Plan

Villaraigosa unveils solar plan for city of L.A. from the LA Times.

DWP, who provides power to LA does it super cheap currently with it's own power plants, including some coal burning ones. DWP escaped the deregulation fiasco that drove up so many other costs, since it was allowed to keep it's own power plants. It will be interesting to see the financial analysis of this. Personally, I would push Solar Water Heating since it's more cost effective, but, not as glamerous. Survivability of tax breaks in this time of severe economic pain. I hope they are kept, since the more energy the US produces for itself the better.

What would be nice is to make a list of energy projects for the City of LA, and see which ones get the most bang for the buck. Solar Photovoltaic, Green Buildings, effective public transit (don't get me started on the MTA), solar water heating, or ?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Projector Screen Environmentalism

Projector Screens are a niche market, one that is being replaced by LCD's and other large screens as they decrease in price. I have started to help out a company doing some marketing for them that distributes Projector Screens in the US.

Projector screens are a lot more complicated than I thought. There is different fabric types not to mention the different coatings, and of course the mechanical part of it. The different coatings vary in the viewing angle and how the color looks. And then there is the environmental angle. Yes, the screens are made by an ISO9002 certified manufacturer, but there is more than that to being green. An area I need to find out more about.

And of course there is the different markets, home theater, education, and business. And of course the products from fixed screen, electric, manual pull down, and pull up.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Minimum Gas Price

What would be the impact of setting a minimum price for gas economically?

Say set it at $4.50 as Thomas Friedman suggested to assure the development of alternative energy sources, increases in fuel efficient cars, and use the tax benefits to invest in alternate energy. The extra for alternate energy assumes there could be a difference, with a lower price of gas + variable tax = $4.50.

What's the incentive for the service station to shop around for lower gas, and the suppliers just set the wholesale price at $4.40, allow the gas station to make 10 cents. I would guess a percentage of the difference would need to be given to the station so they shop for the best price. The higher the difference, the higher their profit.

On the economic side, with the price of gas being more than halved that is helping households, my guess is a couple of hundred every month. I am surprised this has not had any positive effect yet, but I am sure it will in time. The only negative is more usage of gas due to lower prices.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Speeding more with cheaper gas

I noticed today when I was going 65 on the local freeway, I was being passed a lot by cars going, my estimate 80 or more. My guess is the cheap price of gas is letting people drive less fuel efficiently. Sad...

Friday, November 21, 2008

GM's Volt - Will it save GM?

  1. Only 10,000 first year will be sold.
  2. Volt is due in late 2010
  3. Low margins due to development cost
  4. Will sell for around $40,000
  5. Toyota will have a plug in available by 2010.
  6. SUV Hybrids have sold poorly.
  7. Conversion kits for a Prius to make it a plug in costs $6000 to $30,000
  8. GM has a poor history of introducing new technology.
  9. GM is hemorrhaging about a Billion a month
  10. Each GM employee is supporting 3 retirees and dependents.
  11. GM has tremendous over capacity.
  12. GM has poor labor relations.
So I don't under how the Volt will save GM?

Excellent oped/article with some ideas that make sense: How Detroit Drove Into a Ditch

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Solar up or down?

Solar Shines Bright In Dark Economy from marketwatch is positive, ie Solar is going up.  This article hints from the WSJ Clean Energy Confronts Messy Reality brings up the challenge of the lack of financing due to the credit squeeze.

My guess, increased interest, but not a lot of bigger projects due to financing issues.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Prioritization and Global Warming

Interesting article asking the question what is the best allocation of resources, global warming or taking care of other huge issues? Cafe Hayek: The Skeptical Economist. The Copenhagen Consensus sounds interesting,

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Big 3 Bail Out & Environmentalism

The Environmental Motor Company from the WSJ, basically saying congress wants to make the Big 3 as part of the bail out super green as per the Sierra Club.

Interesting editorial with a definite viewpoint.

Known information:
1. Detroit has an over capacity issue.
2. Detroit has a healthcare & pension legacy cost issue.
3. Detroit has to many dealers.
4. Detroit has focused on SUV's with high margins, that do not sell with higher gas prices.
5. Detroit is running out of money because of low sales.
6. Detroit does not have many products in production in the US that are very fuel efficient.
7. Detroit in general is behind in hybrids.
8. Detroit has an adversarial relationship with their workers (ie unions).
9. The Bush administration fear more problems if tax payer money is used and accusations of socialism.
10. The democrats were heavily supported by the unions.
11. The democrats will have a larger majority in the new congress.
12. Bailing out the auto companies is not popular with the public at large. The first bailout of Wall Street was not popular.
13. Republicans's at this time are not backing a bail out of the big 3.
14. Strong supporters of the democratic party is the green lobby.
15. Big 3 currently employ 239,000 people, plus suppliers and dealers is around 3 Million, not counting retirees being supported. And then there is the job banks program.
16. In 2010, a UAW trust will take over retiree health care costs.
17. EU will not be happy about Auto Subsides (WTO complaint possibly).

Given the above information, it's a mess and I am glad I am not making the decision! Looks like political suicide now matter what happens.

I like Thomas Friedman's suggestion in How to Fix a Flat of a non-partisan board to make tough decisions.

Monday, November 17, 2008

How to Kick Our Oil Addiction

How to Kick Our Oil Addiction from the WSJ.  Interesting that none of the contributors mentioned the 55 MPH Speed limit, political suicide. I thought my 20 item list of How to Kick Our Oil Addiction was better.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

US Prius Delay

American-built Prius may be on hold till 2011, from 2010- Los Angeles Times. Rumor is due to slower sales caused by the fall in the price of gas. What is interesting is Lithium batteries are not mentioned, just the nickel hydride ones. Which disagrees with this Toyota Confirms 2009 Model Lithium-Ion Prius.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

United Flight Saves Fuel With Green Tech

United Flight Saves Fuel With Green Tech from the SF Chronicle. The technology being better weather information received (translation, improve the FAA communications, control, and weather systems) that enabled a more efficient flight and landing. Part of the problem is the FAA has two missions, one is making sure flights are safe, and the other for the ground control.

There also may be the issue that the FAA has been collecting money to upgrade the system and has not spent it, which helps the treasury department. I remember something about that, but I can't find any references.

Friday, November 14, 2008

U.N. Reports Pollution Threat in Asia

U.N. Reports Pollution Threat in Asia from the NY Times. The impact on health which is a hidden cost could be 3.5% of GDP in China I read (the next article uses 3%). And if their growth is 10%, then -3% is 7%. Huge opportunity if they can clean up the environment to increase the growth rate, that would be win win.

Longer article that has more details - As China Roars, Pollution Reaches Deadly Extremes

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Texas Adjusts Its Grid for Wind

Texas Adjusts Its Grid for Wind from the NY Times. Good article, Texas can get as much as 16% of it's power from wind, the problem is wind is erratic.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Concrete Streams

I was walking back from lunch and I did not realize next to my office is a stream, but it's been concreted over. And in back of my house there is another stream that goes in back of some houses before it goes into the storm drains. What a waste! I live in the Los Angeles area, so may be this explains it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Oil Crises

1973 Oil Embargo - Caused by Yom Kipper War.
1976 - Shah of Iran loses power.
1979 - Iran Hostage Crises
1992- Gulf War I
2000's - Caused by growth in China and India not being matched by growth of oil supply. May have been some future trading.

And historically when the price of oil has gone down, research into alternate energy sources has also gone down.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Shedding light on solar cell technology

Shedding light on solar cell technology from the EE Times.  Good chart that explains the different types of Solar.  

What would have been nice is having more estimated projected costs over the next 10 years and have a comparison of other types of energy costs.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Energy Independence Requirements in 10 Years

At my Alumni Day the keynote speaker was Daniel Yankelovich. Great speach which I enjoyed a lot. Excellent speach titled "The new pragmatism:" Coping with America's overwhelming problems".

A question came up about Energy Independence, and his answer was it was not possible in 10 years...

I disagree, it's possible, but not very likely.

What is required for Energy Independence:

1. Get nuke plants built. Likelyhood - little or none.

2. Drill offshore - to do this, share revenue with states. Likelyhood - little or none.

3. Increase the Gas Tax, to make Gas at a minimum of $4 or $5 a gallon. This decreases gas usage and increase fuel efficiency as people buy smaller cars. Use extra tax money to fund rebates for poorer families. Likelyhood - little or none.

4. Increase CAFE requirements.

5. Let states set Emission Requirements.

6. Set up a couple of X Prizes for alternate energy.

7. Build a nationwide High Voltage DC Grid.

8. Invest in MHD for burning Coal. So many advantages!

9. Require all cars in the US to be flex fuel.

10. Create fair incentives for plug ins. ie don't aim it at only GM's vehicle.

11. Build more coal plants in the US. Likelyhood - little or none.

12. Require Solar Thermal for hot water on all new houses and put in place subsidies so people put it in existing houses.

13. Increase efficiency standards for new houses and offices. ie Green Standards for energy usage. Huge potential savings here.

14. Make the tax code so it pays for improvements that reduce energy usage. Unfortunately companies unless their is an immediate ROI are not smart enough for the most part to put in energy efficient projects that require a payback of longer than a year.

15. For older cars that are gas guzzlers, offer a tax incentive to junk them.

16. Put a tax on incandescents to make them $3 each. LED's - Still at $17 for the cheapest one, but they have . Lighting uses 50% of the energy equivalant as used by autos. They are 2X as efficient as CFL's, and last 5 to 10X as long. CFL's cost around $3 now, Incandescent 50 cents. Haitz's Law saves every 10 years the price of LED's falls X10. Subsidize LED's by 50% to give a cost of $9 each, and with the increased production this will decrease the cost. CFL's are a short term solution until LED's become more cost efficient. So replacing all the incandescent bulbs with LED's would reduce the energy usage by a huge amount. Banning incandescents would be another approach.

17. Put the 55 MPH speed limit back in force - Likelyhood - little or none.

18. Make sure alternative energy can get needed capital.

19. Colorado Oil Shale - make it happen.

20. Tap Arctic National Wildlife Reserve for oil. - Likelyhood - little or none.

My opinion - I am a big fan of solar, LED's, and plug-ins must be my electronics background.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gore Urges Obama to Create US Power Grid

Gore Urges Obama to Create US Power Grid - DC High Power Grid would solve a lot of issues, an Interstate Highway for the 21st century. Great for alternative energy, especially wind.

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Thursday, November 6, 2008


It's frustrating in newer areas that the sidewalks are right against the curb and with street lights in the middle of them, so trying to walk next to a partner is impossible. And you keep on going up and down with the drive ways. In older towns, there is a strip between the street and the sidewalk. I wish they would have still required that, it makes walking so much more pleasant.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Solar Stocks Down - Another Strange Day

SunPower warning sends solar stocks tumbling Reuters

Another strange day on Wall Street!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

LED Backlit Screen - Nice

I just got my daughter a new MacBook, one that has the backlit LED screen.  Wonderful color!  It's also more efficient on the color.  Since I have been using PC's since I bought a 286 for work related reasons, my poor Mac SE, this is a big change.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ethanol producer

America's second largest ethanol producer goes titsup - The Register.

I like the quirky humor of The Register, and the stories are usually pretty good.

VeraSun Energy, the second-largest producer of corn-based ethanol did some future trading/betting that the price of corn would keep on going up, but they lost the bet resulting in losing the company. Why did they lose the bet? Larger harvests of corn, decrease price of oil, and decrease demand for gas resulting in less demand for Ethanol increasing the supply of corn.

I wonder if this will change the requirement at all for adding more Ethanol to the gas supply.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Will LEDs replace compact fluorescent bulbs?

Will LEDs replace compact fluorescent bulbs? | - Sounds a little bit like this came from a press release for ZetaLux, but I may be wrong. It would have been nice if the article had a cost curve for CFL vs. LED vs. Incandescent over time as well as volumes.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Green in the Rust Belt

A Splash of Green for the Rust Belt from the NY Times. Some alternate energy businesses are setting up manufacturing in the US mid-west, which is very exciting. I hope more of this happens. The challenge in manufacturing jobs is just not outsourcing to China, but also increased productivity. Productivity means that less people are required to make the same, or even more of the same product.