Friday, July 18, 2008

Al Gore's Energy Plan

Gore's Energy Plan - I especially like the part of upgrading the electrical transmission lines and it's great during a Presidential campaign, a person who is respected by both candidates has upgraded the discussion on the future energy policy in the US.

Is it unrealistic? Probably, but you need to start the discussion someplace and the real issue is how much pain are people willing to put up with on a short term basis in order to achieve the goal of a much greener future. Current political thinking seems to be not much.

One person compares it to President Carter's energy plan, in a negative way. My opinion, President Carter got knee capped by the Iran Hostage situation and lack of understanding of how to play politics in Washington, but the US would be in such better shape if his energy plan had been followed. Unfortunately the US went back to short term thinking and did not invest in the future, so we ended up where we are now 30+ years later.

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