Saturday, February 21, 2009

Silicon Valley Network lays out green vision for region

Silicon Valley Network lays out green vision for region - Mercury News.Silicon Valley is an interesting place. On one hand the products associated with it (the process of making chips, which gave the valley it's name is pretty dirty, and don't even get me started on E-Waste) and even as it's moved to more of a web focus (Google currently, Yahoo, Netscape historically), there is still the computer hardware connection. And now pushing the future is VC backing (VC is concentrated in Silicon Valley) of alternate energy.From what I read of the press release was great press release!

The ideas are good, the challenge is implementation. What Silicon Valley is king of is innovation through the ability to bring together all the needed resources (people, money, connections) to rapidly grow a company in a new niche with the goal of making money. Companies are easily formed, and disolved in Silicon Valley and failure is seen as a learning experience. I read some place it take about 3 start ups experience to make on work. Historically Silicon Valley has been poor at the political way of pushing progress, where this document is pushing a private/public partnership.

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