Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Solar Market in 2009

Interesting article - Contradictions in the Solar Market. It's questioning the growth estimates in the market and it does not use the word bubble, but it's hinted at. Will there be an oversupply in 2008 as more solar manufacturers come online? The market is estimated will grow by 50% in 2008!

The part about the lower efficiency of thin film requiring 3X the panels to generate the same amount of power, plus installation costs make it about equal to regular silicon panels is well written.

Good quote from the article:
Traditional monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar panels with efficiencies between 15% and 22% compare to thin film amorphous silicon of 6% to 7%, which will possibility increase to 10% efficiencies in 2009 using bilayer micromorph structures. CdTe (cadmium telluride) technology, led by First Solar, is already achieving 10% efficiency. Thus, amorphous silicon is two years behind CdTe.

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