Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bicycles in LA?

Pedal power challenges car culture as cyclists seize Los Angeles freeways - from the UK Times.

Since I live in the LA area, I do have some opinions:
  1. This area is incredibly hostile to cyclists. In design of streets to storm drain covers to basic maintenance in LA. The lack of bike lanes is a big issue.
  2. People drive fast here when possible
  3. Being on the sidewalk is better for the bicyclists due to safety issues, but then affects people who walk - there are a few. When I was in High School a great song was nobody walks in LA.
  4. I would be surprised on bicyclists on the freeways in LA. It's against the law and the Highway Patrol is the type that would stake out an area to eliminate this issue.
  5. Maintenance in the City of Los Angeles for roads - horrible. May be use a Mountain Bike?

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