Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Toyota and Volt - Watch what you wish for...

The Prius was started as a way to meet proposed standards in California per the book, The Prius that shook the world, about the design of the Prius. Per others, it was because of Next Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) program that Toyota was not allowed to join because they were a Japanese Manufacter and all the American big three could. John's Stuff - Toyota Prius History has some information. This article has the official Toyota version, Feature Article - The Toyota Prius:

What is missing is how internally, Toyota management set a very challenging deadline (imposible, but somehow it was achieved). I wonder if GM by waving the Volt in Toyota's face is doing the same thing. The Plug In version of the Prius from what I can tell has been slowly developed by Toyota due to quality concerns with the battery life. My gut feeling is with the Volt Toyota may push a plug in version much faster.

I wonder if Toyota would come out with an all Electric versio of the Prius before the Volt came out? Eliminate the Motor and replace it with batteries?


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