Thursday, February 14, 2008

Carbon Tax

WSJ Blog Entry that does not see a carbon tax happening. I agree that if it starts hitting consumers directly on the price of gasoline and electricity, there would be a new set of politicians elected. And since politicians understand that, I don't see it as politically feasible unless there is a huge effort to use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to explain how this is being done for national security reasons and the money will be used for alternative energy. There would be a lot of risk for taking this approach. On using global warming as a reason to push a carbon tax through, the two issues I see as blocking it are China (which will become the largest carbon emitter in 2009, so the question will be why ruin our economy when other countries don't need to) and some people not believing in Global Warming.

With all three major Presidential candidates believing in Global Warming, there will be some action in 2009

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