Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mercury - What's the Danger

Mercury is in Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL's), Smoke from coal burning plants, Fish, Whale Meat, and Dolphin Meat. The NY Times has an article about how high levels in Mercury in Whale and Dolphin Meat has decreased interest in eating that meat in Japan, where protests had no effect.

CFL Mercury
Some manufacturers of CFL's are decreasing the amount of mercury used in them. CFl's are great from an energy conservation point, since they use up to 75% less light, than a regular light bulb. An Urban Legend's page on CFL's (interesting to read). A good idea is have a deposit to you get money for turning the CFL for recycling, instead of dumping it in the trash. Recycling CFL's takes time, and it's easier for most people to throw it away (even if that's illegal in many states). The amount of Mercury used in a CFL is small, about 100 times smaller than was used in Mercury Thermometers (now banned).

Mercury Problems:
The worst accident of mercury poisoning was in Japan. The Mad Hatter in Alice In Wonderland had the symptoms of Mercury poisoning. May types of fish have higher levels of Mercury in them.

Broken Fluorescents - How to Clean it up?
If you do break up a CFL, don't vacuum it (this just speads the dust). How to Clean up a broken fluorescent bulb per the EPALeave the room and air it out for 15 minutes. Using plastic gloves, then scoop up the broken material and put in a sealed plastic bag. Use a wet cloth to pick up any dust. I am not sure what process they used to clean up after using fluorescent tubes as light sabers in the Forty Year Old Virgin.

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