Friday, June 27, 2008

California SB 50 CEW Redemption Rate

A recycler used to get 48 cents per pound for CEW (Covered Electronic Waste) in California. I heard it just got lowered by 5 cents to 43 cents. And in September it's going to take another 5 cent hit. Yet, when I read the regulations at CIWMB I don't see this. Strange...

Upon further research.

The 43 cents went into effect July 1, and the 38 cents on September 1. I just found a document that mentions this. The official reason is the huge growth in recycling in California. A challenge is the poundage should be going down, as CRT's (heavy) have in my opinion, almost totally been replaced by flat screens that weigh a lot less. The huge mother load of CEW of course is the home, that has a lot of weight in TV's that are being replaced by plasma's and LCD's that are not light.

The fees are also going to go up slightly starting January 1st, 2009 when you bu new electronics with screens.

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