Sunday, June 8, 2008

Water Saving Ideas

I remember the last major drought in California. It's interesting when you go to some cities in the middle of a Desert and they have lots of fountains!

The English lawns that are so beloved in So. Ca don't belong here. The use of treated water (purple pipes) is another opportunity. The problem is the plumbing for them. They could be used for watering residential lawns and flushing toilets. Unfortunately adding them after you build a house does not make sense from a cost basis (digging up streets is not cheap). New housing should be required to have them. And of course the replacing with low flow toilets, faucets, shower heads, etc. Take quick showers instead of baths, not running the water continuously. Instant water heaters are nice and save water and energy, but are pricey. The problem is you need to run water till you finally get to the stores hot water. There are recirculation pumps, but not easy to install. Improving sprinklers also helps and having smarter systems.

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