Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Las Vegas - A place of excess

I am helping out a friend in Las Vegas this week with a trade show.

Some observations:

1. In LA, everywhere you look is a Prius. It seems SUV's are becoming scarcer as people drive their second car that is more fuel efficient.
Not in Vegas. I have yet to see a Prius here.

2. Hotel Room on the strip. Usually stuff about towels and water. CFL in my desk lamp. None in the bathroom. Toilet is not a water saving model - sounds like a jet engine when it flushes, may be part of the design to get people out of the room to gamble? Sink not water saving. Show head is (and poor lighting in the shower).

3. Lots of lighting and advertising. Mobile billboards driving around. Jeeps are commonly used as taxis.

4. Lots of water being used, yet in the middle of a desert. Yes, much of it is recycled water. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Vegas heading for 'dry future' and a recent article - Watering the West: Growth Stops When the Water Runs Out

5. So many residences since I was here last. Wow on the growth! All with their beautiful green lawns right out of England that gets lots of rainfall.

6. Still lots of people driving from LA, even with the price of gas in LA getting near $5. Gas in Las Vegas is about 30 cents cheaper than in LA.

Some related reading:

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