Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Fuel Standards

New fuel standards advancing lighter cars, hybrids, PRO: Motorists should blame the Bush administration for its 'pump ..., and Government's the real cause of gas price hike. Some interesting letters to to the editor My American Dream: No Gas Pumps

The first article just says auto makers have until 2020 till get higher gas mileage. Second and third could have been so much better.

There was no mention of hybrid SUV's, and their low sales rate. The cost difference ($600), and how this would fall as more were produced. Some thing like each time you double production the cost goes down 10% as the operation becomes more efficient, learning curve, etc.

I am surprised that Toyota has not come out in the US with a hybrid van, they have been selling them in Japan since 2001. It's also amazing how fat vans have become, the new luxury vehicle, compared to 20 years ago.

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