Monday, June 23, 2008

Lead, or Leave

Op-Ed Columnist Mr. Bush, Lead or Leave by Thomas Friedman

Mr. Friedman's basic point is the current administration has had no policy, only slightly increased mileage standards under pressure, and the Republican congress has not renewed the tax credits for Solar. And what should be done is set a floor for the price of gas and use any extra to invest in alternate energy.

John McCain proposes McCain proposes $300 million to spur car battery innovation which is progress. That's progress and at least doing some thinking outside the box.

A gas tax to set a floor I see a politically impossible at this time. Even after the elections I don't see either candidate as having the guts for this. It would be nice taking out the risk of investment in alternate energy (investors get scared of the idea of the price of oil crashing as happened in the 80's, hurting the alternative energy industry significantly in the US).

At this time, I believe gas mileage requirements should be increased. It's a slam dunk because everybody politically wants to be seen as doing something. Unfortunately we seem to have a do nothing congress and executive branch (which is good and bad).

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