Sunday, June 15, 2008

Technology & Environmentalism

Frankenstein is anti-technology written by Mary Shelley at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

Now changes in technology and efficiency are expected. The price of computers is one example with Moor's Law. LED's have this with haitz law. There are now expected improvements in crop yields due to bio technology. And in Bio Fuel due to bio technology. And in Energy Efficiency. And in pollution reduction devices.

Technology improvements are changing everything, and I don't believe we are going to a have a situation where technology is frozen, such as in Jerry Pournelle's Condominium.

A point made by Dennis who I met at the Drucker Symposium, is technology is not always good, but in society today it is seen as good.

I feel, the more we know, the more we realize we don't know. And the growth of knowledge is so huge and fast, with the Internet making the dissimination of knowledge easier and easier, and automation helping this tremendously.

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